• KC-03001
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閉目能觀天下事 闔嘴能吐智慧言
淨心無思  蓮心自在

Lotus and Kuanyin
With her eyes closed, she can see the things happening in the world
With her mouth closed, she can utter words of wisdom
With her hearts cleansed, it is empty. The heart of the lotus is free of delusion


L14*W5*H24 cm


萬千世界  立宏願
救苦救難  慈悲心
庇蔭眾生  萬世安

Big Wish
For the worlds big wishes are made
To save people from delusion and hardship, with a kind heart
Bless all lives give them all peace


L12*W7*H15.3 cm


淨化眾人之憂 潔淨蒼生之混濁
悠然自在  菩薩之相

To think with a pure heart, without worry
To purify all the peoples worry and sadness
To cleanse the turbid lives
Leisure and free of delusion, it is the Buddha’s image


L7.2*W4.5*H11.2 cm


捧面凝思  透徹一切 不再憂擾  懂得放下
便能寧心靜氣  安枕無憂


Pondering with the chin rests on the palm, to understand everything
No more worry, knowing what and how to give up
To bring peace to both the mind and spirit; one can sleep well without worry


L11.5*W6.5*H8.5 cm


彌勒歡喜  招財進寶
笑容可掬  和氣生財
歡天喜地  受福無窮

Congratulate for Prosperity
Buddha Maitreya is happy, bringing wealth and prosperity
With a charming mind and peaceful heart, prosperity will come to you
Overjoyed, with endless good fortune


L9*W7*H7.6 cm


拈手祈福  願否極泰來  不再矇蔽憂懼
光明前景  即在眼前

Pray for Peace
With closed palm, you pray for good fortune, hoping for good luck to come after the bad luck passed away
Not smothered by worry and fear anymore
The bright future is in front of your eyes


L21.5*W10.3*H9 cm


生命之喜  呵護備至
勿矜勿憂  開導淨思
祝禱後代  希望永生生不息

The joy of life, you should protect it with utmost care
Not to pity and worry; open up your pure thoughts
To pray for the descendants for endless life to come


L8.2*W5*H10.5 cm


泰然面貌  慈悲為懷  觀望眾生  潔淨其心
即可安身自在  不再徬徨憂煩

Pure Heart Bodhi Tree
With an unperturbed expression; with a kind heart
To see into the lives and cleanse their hearts
You can be have peace and self-complacency
No more hesitation and worry


L8*W4*H11.8 cm


靜觀真理  參悟諸法  滿懷悲憫之心
修持心性  便能淨心如意

Seeing into the truth with tranquility; to understand all Tao
With heart full of pity
To discipline your disposition; you can have a pure heart filled with joy


L7.6*W6.6*H15.6 cm


笑口常開  歡喜無量
肚量寬厚  能納萬事
歡慶豐收  財帛豐碩

Happy Reclining Buddha
With your mouth open wide with laughter, with unfathomable joy
With belly big and wide enough to bear everything
You can enjoy good harvest and great prosperity


L8*W5.2*H4.8 cm


常常心存善念  時時修養氣度
世事必可順心  總能皆大歡喜

All Well that Ends Well
With a benign heart always
Cultivate your generosity in mind and spirit
Everything will happy perfectly
All well that ends well


L7*W6.2*H9.8 cm


無得無至  不生不滅
不受因緣  如此徹悟
涅盤之境  已然到達

The Buddha Points to a Common Heart
Without getting anything and without achieving anything;
you will transcend life and death
Not bound by causality, with thorough understanding
Achieving the state of Nirvana


L7*W6.8*H16 cm


拈花微笑  禪理自明
菩提妙理  自在心中
容顏莊嚴  矜莊持重

Jocular Look
Smiling picking a flower; Zen proves itself
Bodhi the Tao; sprouts in the heart
Solemn look; restrain and grandeur


L15*W6*H19.3 cm


吐納俗塵事  量大宰相肚  笑中自有圓融意  

大智不爭 喜樂常駐  福悅壽喜皆湧至

Buddha Maitreya is always happy
Inhale and exhale the worldly affairs; with a mind broad as the prime minister
s belly
In his smile breed perfection
With great wisdom he never argues; happiness is always with him
Good fortune, happiness, longevity, and joy all come to him


L9*W9*H7 cm


觀音千手  慈悲渡眾生  一手一苦難  眾生苦代受
祈願蒼生皆平安  諸業消 諸難無

Kuanyin with thousand hands
Kuanyin with thousand hands, she saves all lives
With one hand she takes the hardship for one life
Hoping all people peace
All the misdeeds eliminated; all the misfortune freed


L16.5*W8.5*H18 cm


新生之歡欣  捧若手心寶
望之健康成長  平安順遂過一生

The coming of a new life brings happiness
Embracing it like treasure
Hope it grows healthy
Live in peace for the entire life


L11.5*W7*H13 cm


釋迦涅盤  菩提悟道
緣起性空  不再執著
佛之本性  無量智慧

Fathomless Reclining Buddha
Sakya Nirvana  Epiphany under the bodhi tree
The Tao come from nowhere  Never obstinate anymore
The nature of the Buddha  Endless wisdom


L18.2*W6.2*H5.6 cm


神態姿態的莊嚴 發於心
莊重自在 不怒而顯威嚴

The grandeur of gesture and posture originates from the heart.
Dignified and complacent, without showing anger, he is majestic.
People are willing to give him the highest respect.


L18.5*W18*H26 cm


心之簡單澄淨 不偏不頗
才能大慈大悲 無私奉獻

Observing the World with a Pure Heart
With a simple and a pure heart, you observe the decorum
With no expectation, you face the vanity fair
So you can have mercy and dedicate all yourself with no restraint


L19*W9.3*H22 cm


凜然正氣  守護家安
挺拔耿直  磊落前行
遵循正道  厚德載福

Peace and Good Fortune
With righteous air, you guard the peace of your family
With an upright mind, you behave with honor
Following the right path, and you enjoy good fortune


L19*W3*H42 cm


凜然正氣  守護家安
挺拔耿直  磊落前行
遵循正道  厚德載福

Peace and Good Fortune
With righteous air, you guard the peace of your family
With an upright mind, you behave with honor
Following the right path, and you enjoy good fortune


L19*W3*H42 cm


常保歡喜心  笑看世間事
肩扛福氣  手握壽喜  壽福天成  康寧永安

Long-lasting Fortune
Maintaining your happy heart, and you see the world with a smile
Carrying fortune on your back, and you grasp longevity and luckiness
Heaven bestows you with longevity and fortune; you enjoy peace and health


L9*W9*H11 cm


純淨莊嚴  無欲則剛
自在安住  照見慈悲
妙心如來  佛性光明

Serene Sakyamuni
With dignity and a disinterested heart, he has no desire; so he is strong
Complacent and peaceful, he envisions mercy
With a heart like a Buddha, your nature is bright and upright


L6.5*W4.8*H14.2 cm


慈能予樂  悲能拔苦

喜能除嫉  捨則無執


Mercy Dew Heart

Mercy brings joy Sadness removes distress

Joy frees jealousy Abandonment makes no obsession


L12.7*W9*H31.3 cm






Reminiscing Sources

A life with goals is like a tree with roots

Seeking and accomplishing goals in life

Reminiscent of sources mature and promotes wisdom


L6*W2.5*H6 cm


一善念  一天堂  

心中光明清淨是淨土  用清淨的心圓滿人生

定心妙法  知足常樂


Forever Joy

One benign thought, one heaven

Brightness and purity at heart are the pure land

Perfect your life with your pure heart

Calm your heart with miraculous dharma Complacency always brings joy


L14.8*W12*H8.8 cm



L12.6*W2.1*H13.6 cm



L6.4*W1.7*H8.5 cm



L6.4*W1.7*H8.5 cm



L6.4*W1.7*H8.5 cm



L11.4*W2.2*H15.1 cm



L8.9*W2*H11.5 cm


觀音千手  慈悲渡眾生  一手一苦難  眾生苦代受
祈願蒼生皆平安  諸業消 諸難無

Kuanyin with thousand hands
Kuanyin with thousand hands, she saves all lives
With one hand she takes the hardship for one life
Hoping all people peace
All the misdeeds eliminated; all the misfortune freed


L8.9*W2*H11.5 cm

坤水晶以對琉璃的熱愛為起點,堅持20年至品牌形象的穩固建立,藉著是對品質與在地的堅持。 2013年更開設了獨樹一幟的松菸文創園區玻璃工坊旗艦店, 成為台灣極具代表性的玻璃吹製體驗及各國觀光遊客首選。

Kun’s Crystal sets out from the passion towards lazurite, persisting in stabilized establishment of the brand image based on the persistence towards quality and locality. In 2013, the unique glass workshop flagship store in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was further set up, becoming the first choice for iconic glass-blowing experience and for tourists from all places.

《坤水晶》 琉璃創意設計|玻璃吹製體驗|訂製水晶獎盃|琉璃佛像|訂做琉璃 版權所有©2017年INSIGHT INC。保留所有權利。