• KC-02001
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蓮葉田田  游魚翩翩
悠游快意  羨煞世間多少人
閒適自足  世事圓滿意無缺

Lotus leaves flourish; the fishes are swimming joyfully
With ease and leisure, adored by people
Be leisure and self-complacent, how perfect things are



L10.8*W5*H14.8 cm





L18.7*W5.2*H19 cm


咭咭呱呱  安之若命
歡欣愉悅  滿溢於心


Sing my friend, be contend with your life.
Just take a short break out of your tight schedule, you will fell free in this tiny corner of the heaven and earth
Sing a lovely tune
Happiness and contentment will make your heart full.


L14.4 * W13.4 * H7.4


歡喜呈祥  納福存祿
花綻飽滿  豐收滿載
瓜熟蒂落  富貴有餘

Rich pumpkins
The rewards of happiness
A harvest of plenty
Through success, fortune overflows


L10.9 * W10 * H7.6


掌握時機  乘勢而為
登頂贏家  傑出傲然

The best

With exceptional wisdom
To grasp the opportunity; to exploit the chance in taking action
The winner at the apex, is holding victory with his hand.



L14.4 * W6 * H14.3


立基深穩  汲取養分  

即將爆發創新能量  開創致勝之新局
成功之果  傑出傲然

Build strong foundations
A burst of creativity
Will open new frontiers
Ripe with the fruits of success


L11*W9*H14.5 cm


貔貅瑞獸  鎮宅避邪

招八方財  納四海福

迎富廣源  聚寶厚德


Invite Wealth and Good Fortune

The fortunate beast guards your home and expels demons

Invites wealth from eight directions and collects good fortune around the world

Invites fortune, explores sources, gathers treasures and accumulates virtues






貔貅瑞獸  鎮宅避邪

招八方財  納四海福

迎富廣源  聚寶厚德


Invite Wealth and Good Fortune

The fortunate beast guards your home and expels demons

Invites wealth from eight directions and collects good fortune around the world

Invites fortune, explores sources, gathers treasures and accumulates virtues




大吉大利好運到 事事順利圓滿來
財源廣進事業興 鴻圖大展喜氣盈

Great luck 

Prosperity and peace bring you good luck

All things will be smooth and prosper

 Fortune abounds, business prospers

Great achievements brings plenty of joy 




甜甜柿子  好柿接連

大事小事  諸多好事


Good Deeds Abound

Sweet are the persimmons Good deeds come

Major events and minor events, good deeds abound




萌生  成熟  蘊育
完整過程  體驗經歷
悠遊人生  無憾自得

Contend and Complacency
Geminate, mature, and cultivate
The process is complete; experience, complete
Living a contended life, you enjoy happiness with no worries




滴水之恩  當湧泉以報  幫助別人  是一種美德

回報別人  是愛的延續  施比受更為有福


The Spring Gushes

The grace like waterdrops

will be rewarded like a gushing spring

Helping others is a virtue

Returning people’s graces is the continuation of love

There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting


L9.2*W9*H16 cm


年年有餘 好事有餘 豐收富餘

積善人家慶有餘 有娛 也有愉


Joy Abounds

Surplus every year, good deeds abound 

Good harvest surplus

Families that cultivate goodness will reap plenty of joy,

pleasing and pleasant


L10*W10*H19 cm


具破浪之勇氣  享乘風之順勢
千滔萬浪  打不碎勇敢決心
天時地利  方能成就真英雄

Rising Dragon
The courage to challenge the waves
Brings the opportunity to ride the winds
When willpower overcomes the storm
A true hero is born



L14*W6.5*H25 cm


具破浪之勇氣  享乘風之順勢

千滔萬浪  打不碎勇敢決心

天時地利  方能成就真英雄


Rising Dragon

The courage to challenge the waves

Brings the opportunity to ride the winds

When willpower overcomes the storm

A true hero is born



L14*W6.5*H25 cm


無需千言萬語的表白  願世間的祝福和希望

悄悄地放在我們之間  有著滿溢的豐碩與芬芳


Fortunate Clouds Gather

No need to express with thousands of words

Wish all the blessings and hopes

Come between us silently

Abundant and flourishing


L11.8*W5.5*H21.5 cm


面對挑戰  全心衝刺
創新求變  積極策略
一世崢嶸  榮耀相隨

Perfectly the Dragon Leaps
Facing the challenge, you tackle it with all you can
Making innovations, you plan actively
Fighting for honor all your life, glory will be your best company


L10*W5*H15 cm


鬥志昂揚 意氣風發
思慮清晰 眼界長遠
氣度非凡 神采飛揚


With strong and lofty will, you win, spirit high
With careful thinking, you see afar and deep
With broad mind and grace heart, you aspire




L15 x W6.5 x H15.1 cm


祥雲獻瑞  麒麟兆吉
千年萬載福無雙  千秋萬世壽無疆


The Unicorn brings Good Omen
The lucky clouds bring good omen; the unicorn foretells good fortune.
For the next thousands of years,
health and happiness are beyond compared
For the next thousands of year longevity will accompany you


L12.5*W4.8*H12.5 cm


相知相惜默契佳  真情真意愈堅貞  濃情蜜意勝似糖
相視眼神  遙對凝望  不需言語  已然知心

Sweet as Honey
Understand and treasure with each other well, in harmonious relationship
True love is unbreakable.
See into each other eyes, with caring gaze
Words are redundant; heart entwines to heart


L10.8*W10.8*H3 cm


心中存善意  逆境亦能順利過
順境則來福祿壽喜  百福俱臻

Luckiness and Good Fortune; Longevity and Happiness 
With benignity at heart
Even in adversity, you can endure and survive
When prosperity arrives, you will enjoy luckiness and good fortune;
longevity and happiness
All the good fortunes will be yours


L10*W5*H12.5 cm


花開富貴  前程似錦
一鳴驚人  富貴功名

Wealth and Fame
When the flowers bloom, opulence comes; your future prospers
With endeavor, you will excel, winning wealth and fame


L19.5*W6.5*H19 cm


福壽天齊  富貴壽考  樂天安命  子孫眾多
幸福安康  五福俱臻  人生如此  夫復何求

5 Good Fortunes Arrive
Prosperity and longevity abundant the heaven grants you,

wealth and fortitude too
Enjoy your destiny with ease and happiness, your descendants prosper
Luckiness and health, all five kinds of good fortunes are yours
With a life like this, what else do you ask for?


L11.5*W5*H14.5 cm


挺直腰桿  闊步昂首
勇敢迎向挑戰  朝理想邁步向前
在一片驚呼中  創造奇蹟

Strutting to Make Miracles 
Standing upright, strutting with asserting steps
You face the challenge bravely
Striding towards success
In the midst of acclaims and amazements
You create miracle after miracle


L11.5*W6.5*H16 cm


母親懷抱的香氣  永誌銘心的溫暖
構築成親情海洋  讓我們無憂徜徉
這分恩  終生不能忘

Mother's Fragrance
The fragrance of mother
s embrace
The warmth dwells forever in your heart
Building the sea of parental love
Allow us to loiter through life without worry
This grace, I will never forget


L7.6*W5.5*H13.8 cm


雙至之福  喬松之壽
累積功德  必蔭子孫
福壽無疆  富貴圓滿

Good Fortune and Self-complacency
The double happiness, the longevity like pine
Doing countless virtues, your descendants will be blessed
Good fortune and longevity are boundless;
wealth and perfection abound


L11*W5*H10 cm


紮根奠基  努力積累  不畏艱難  勇破難關
往立定之目標大步邁進  必然節節高昇  飛黃騰達

Soar Aloft and Wealth Abounds
With solid foundation, you endeavor to accomplish your goals
With fear of difficulties and failures; eventually, you overcome all barriers
Surely, you will march towards your targets
Soaring aloft, earning wealth and fame


L12*W7*H8.5 cm


眼觀四方  步步為營  全神貫注  深思熟慮
事業  興隆昌盛  成功  勢不可擋

Prosperity Abounds
Setting your eyes to all the directions, you pace steadily
Concentrating on you business, you think with all concerns carefully
Career prospers
Success rockets


L10.7*W10.7*H9 cm


志在千里  顧盼生輝
龍行天下  登峰造極

With lofty and ambitious mind, your gaze is full of confidence
With the power to transform adversity into prosperity
Like the dragon flying over the apex


L8.7*W8.7*H21.4 cm


鬥志昂揚  意氣風發  思慮清晰  眼界長遠
氣度非凡  神采飛揚  舉手投足  盡是領導者之典範

Lofty Heart and Righteous Mind
With strong and lofty will, you win, spirit high
With careful thinking, you see afar and deep
With broad mind and grace heart, you aspire
With each gesture of yours, you show to be a natural born leader


L10*W7*H19 cm


一路相互扶持的情分  永遠不離不棄之精神
或許不擅言辭  但這是肺腑之聲
真心說聲謝謝  恩情銘感五內

Heartfelt Thanks
Giving each other love and concern all the way through
The thoughts of never abandoning each other
Maybe running out of words  
But these are truly the voices of the heart
To say thank you with all my heart
Love and gratitude flow in my veins


L11.3*W5.3*H7.8 cm


清靜安閒  暢快悠游
觀我自在  也是一種智慧

Leisure Swimming 
Peace and tranquil, you swim with ease
The self-complacency of seeing into oneself is a kind of wisdom
Allowing the heart to soak in full joy and happiness


L14*W14*H7.5 cm


君子生財  取之有道
安居樂業  財源廣進
迎五路財神臨門  招六合天地之財

Living a life of peace and affluence
For righteous people, they earn wealth in rightful ways
So they live a life of peace and complacency, with wealth abounds
Welcoming the God of Wealth from all directions;
bringing you the affluence bestowed to you by the heaven


L11.2*W8*H8.8 cm


目光遠大  前瞻遠景  低首斂眉  心懷謙虛
蓄滿成功之能量  才能一馬當先  捷足先登

With foresight and forethought, you envision your glorious future
Pondering with your head lowered, you consider with a modest heart
Storing the power of success to its full
To take the lead, making success


L13*W7.4*H13.2 cm


澄黃飽滿  是豐收的季節  歡心喜悅  給予最真誠的祝福
願事事如意  諸凡順遂  收成豐美潤澤之果實

Everything is Successful as you Wish
When the sun is round and full, it is the season for harvesting
With happy heart, you are given with the heartfelt blessing
Wish you success in everything; all your dreams come true
Harvesting the ripe and round fruits


L12.2*W4.5*H7 cm


虛懷若谷  知足常樂
常懷感恩心  善待世界
喜事必成雙  福祿必雙至

Good Deeds Double
With a modest mind, you feel happy, with complacency
With a thankful heart, you are benign to this world
Happy deeds always double; good fortune and longevity come in pair


L12.2*W4.5*H7 cm


抓準契機  時來運轉

奮鬥不懈  乾坤旋扭

滾動錢景  欣欣向榮


Fortune Calls

Seize opportunities to turn things around

Never give up in order to beat the odds

Money will then come rolling in


L8*W5*H10.5 cm


抓準契機  時來運轉

奮鬥不懈  乾坤旋扭

滾動錢景  欣欣向榮


Fortune Calls

Seize opportunities to turn things around

Never give up in order to beat the odds

Money will then come rolling in




L11.6*W5.5*H14.5 cm


胸懷坦然 襟抱曠達  處世圓融 悠游其中
縱浪大化中 不喜亦不懼  圓之智慧 逆境皆越

Round and Perfect
With a broad mind, you include all
Handling interrelationship with round and perfect manner, you are at ease
Even transforming adversity into prosperity, without fear or indulgence
With the wisdom of perfection, you can overcome all hardships


L12*W5.5*H15.5 cm


腳踏綵球  仰首望天
祈求風調雨順  盼望民安順遂  福報天成

Round Heavenly Lion
With feet standing on the ball, head lifted skywards
To praise for harmonious weather and enough rain
Hoping peace and affluent for all the people
It is the good fortune granted by heaven
and worked for by people's diligence


L12.7*W6*H11.8 cm


得天獨厚  發跡登龍
龍鳳之姿  天日之表
獨步天下  誰與為偶

The Dragon Seal Brings Good Fortune 
Benefited by the heaven, you achieve handsomely like a dragon
With the sign of the dragon and phoenix,
the representation of the heaven and earth
Surpassing the horizon, who can be compared with you


L6.7*W6.7*H13 cm


互助圓滿  遊刃有餘
下穩上圓  步步平穩圓融
順遂而如意  平安有福報

Good Fortune Reports Peace 
Helping with each other to work for perfection,
achieving the goals with ease
With solid foundation and round interrelationship, you achieve with perfection
Smooth and self-complacent, peace brings further good fortune


L10.4*W4*H14.7 cm


昂首闊步  英姿勃發
攀高登頂  一馬當先

The Horse arrives with Success 
With energetic posture, it is going to gallop
With broad steps and raised head, showing the grandeur
Climbing the apex, it is the only horse leading


L11.5*W5.5*H14.5 cm


勢如奔馬  竭力向前  力拔山河  氣貫長虹
峰迴路轉亦不懼  豐碩成果轉眼收

Healthy as Dragon and Horse
With the grandeur of a galloping horse, you dash forward
With the power of shaking the heaven and earth, your magnificence abounds
No fear when encountering ups and downs
Affluence awaits for you to reap so soon


L11*W6.9*H16 cm


馬嘶決心立  昂首撒蹄奔  追天力竭終不悔
全為滿心壯志  名立千秋

Chasing the Sky
As the horse neighs, it gallops with a lofty mind and raised head
Chasing the sky with no regret
With strong will and full ambitions to be named in history


L15.5*W5.7*H19 cm


珍惜眼前人  寶貴身畔物  懂得知足常樂之理
必福開壽來  享無窮之喜樂

Good Fortune and Longevity Abound  
Treasure all the people in front of you
Treasure all the things you have
Knowing the happiness of self-complacency
Good fortune and longevity will come to you
Bringing you endless joy and happiness


L12*W4*H10.6 cm


氣轉鴻鈞  萬象更新
開泰之象  吉兆有祥
洋洋喜氣  永保安泰

The Three Goats Bring Opulence
In the twist and turn, good omen comes. Everything changes new
The omen of good fortune and opulence to come
Merriments for you all; health and longevity to come


L18.5W15*H21.8 cm


鷹揚蓄姿  萬里之望
展翅高飛之前  必先高瞻遠矚
準備  一飛衝天

Sky High
As the hawk crouching, it prepares to sky high to see the universe
Before you leap, stretching your wings,
you have to see afar and think deep
Preparing to sky high


L18*W11.6*H24.8 cm


穩紮穩打  步步前進  耐力前行  誓無二志
成功自是迎面來  富貴福氣滿人間

The Fortunate Cow Brings Wealth 
With steady steps, it progresses
With durability, it determines to accomplish its goals.
Success comes to you.
Affluence abounds


L15.3*W9.8*H8.2 cm


走馬赴任  以身作則  實踐理想的開始  將眼界格局大敞
登頂之勢  雄心壯志  成功即在不遠處

Galloping to High Position 
Galloping to your office, you are the exemplar.
Beginning to accomplish you ideals
Open up your eyes and have your mind broadened
Galloping towards the apex with full ambitions
Success is just around the corner


L17*W7.2*H16.2 cm


逆流而上 志在千里  開創一片新格局
鯤鵬展翅 天高地闊  豐收碩果 終致圓滿

The Carp Leap 
Swimming to the adverse current, it aspires high
To open up a whole new era. Like the heavenly bird,
it stretches it wings to fly amidst the heaven and earth
To reap handsomely, achieving the perfect goal


L6*W7*H13 cm


大才槃槃  不屈燕雀之志
壯志凌雲  堪稱大將之材
蟠龍一躍  直奔天際

Crouching Dragon Leaps into the Heaven
With boundless talents, it does not subdue to small accomplishments
With a magnificent mind, it is the talent to lead the world
Like crouching dragon, it leaps into the sky,
flying towards the heaven


L12.5*W5.5*H10.5 cm


雞鳴而起 勤奮不懈
雍容自在 永樂富足

With ample good fortune and happiness
When the rooster wakes up, you begin to work hard
Naturally, you will become the host of a fortunate and happy family
With dignity, you feel free, enjoying wealth and happiness


L12*W6*H14.5 cm


齊心向前 乘風破浪
任何險阻 同心跨越
如此成就 榮耀共享

Breaking the Wave with One Heart
Going forward with one heart, you cut the wind and wave together
You overcome all the dangers and barriers together
achieving such accomplishments, you share with honor and glory


L10*W7.5*H14 cm


雙龍護主 璧合珠連
共為大業 協力奮鬥
霸業之成 指日可待

Twin Dragon Guarding the Pearl
Twin dragon guarding the master, the pearl unites with the jade to make a perfect match
Striving together, you work for the great undertaking
The awesome enterprise will become real when the time comes


L20*W5.5*H8.4 cm


秉持自己 擇善固執
悠游大化 姿態自如
縱有風雨 輕鬆化解

With Ample Ability
With self-confidence, you insist on your own thinking
Freely, accomplish the goal with ease, with complacent acts
Even if there is wind and rain, you can overcome the problem at ease


L13.2*W9*H9.9 cm


兩對魚  頭連尾  尾連頭

雙雙對對  萬年富貴


With Gold and Jade Stuffed the Hall
Two pairs of fish, linking together head to tail, tail to head

Come in pairs, bringing prosperity forever


L17*W16.5*H4 cm


掌握時機  生財有道
財源湧進  金玉滿門
興盛富貴  滾滾不絕

Huge Profit
Grasping the chance, you know how to earn huge profit
With money flooding in, your house is packed with gold and jade
Affluence and prosperity prevail


L13*W8*H8 cm


不畏逆境  激流而上
面對挑戰  勇創新局
卓越超群  獨領風雲

Carps Leap Over the Dragon Gate
With no fear of adversity, you retrace upstream
Facing the challenges, you dare to open up new areas
Being excellent, you persist


(A) L10.5*W4.8*H10.3 cm (B) L20*W7*H20.5 cm


蘭蕙之質  柳絮之才  芝蘭芬芳  優雅聰慧
令人欣羨之女子  即在眼前

Delicate as Orchid
With the temperament as delicate as an orchid and the talent as flexible as a willow
Fragrant as an orchid, elegant and wise
An admirable lady is standing in front of you


L9.5*W6.5*H22 cm


目光炯炯  標的高闊
穩紮立基  步步為營
竭力向上  成功登頂

Aspiring High
With keen eyes and lofty ideals
You stand firmly with a solid foundation, going forward steadily
Working ceaselessly for the ultimate goal, you will reach the apex


L7*W7.3*H22 cm


眼懾四面  耳察八方
眼光 策劃 膽識 時機俱具
必定  眾目具瞻領風雲

Subduing Fame
With sharp eyes you see the four sides; with keen ears, you observe the eight directions
Insight, planning, courage, and chance, you have them all
You must take the lead and win respect


L10*W3*H10.5 cm


累積觀察  充裕準備  不視近利 眼光遠闊
時機降臨 奮力向上項  必豐收富足 名就功成

Swimming Upstream
Accumulating enough experience and observations, you prepare well
With no regard for small benefits, you see afar
When the time comes, you strive upstream
Destined to be rich and famous, you enjoy all the glory


L7*W8*H22 cm


氣昂昂志捲長虹  鷹眼觀勢  蓄勢領航
展翅高飛  達極致顛峰

Your aspiring spirit soars over the rainbow
With eyes sharp as an eagle, you wait to become the leader
Stretching your wings; flying high
reaching the pinnacle


L12.5*W9*H22 cm


放開心  不執著
悠然自適  自在隨喜
自然平安  福來運展

Unrestrained Joy
Open your heart, with no obstinacy
Leisure and peace, you feel free
Peace will come naturally. When it is time, good fortune arrives.


L11.8*W6.5*H23.8 cm


綜觀八方  分析時勢
憑高視下  勢如劈竹
獨領風潮  凌起青雲

Soaring into the Blue Sky
Observing the eight directions, you analyze the current situation
Gazing down from the top, you overcome the difficulties like slicing bamboo
Being a pioneer, you soar into the blue sky


L13.2*W7.5*H23.5 cm


不坐井底  視野開闊
觀察洞見  蓄積能量
有備而來  騰捷飛升

Refuse to sit at the bottom of a well, you have a broad view
With insights, you accumulate ample energy
With good preparation, you fly into the sky


L7*W6.4*H22 cm


機會擁簇  眼光獨到
不拘小利  大局顧全
名立功成  即在眼睫

Success is at Han
With plenty of chances and exceptional judgment
With no regard to minute details but consider the overall situation
Wealth and fame will be at hand


L13*W7.5*H19.5 cm


醞釀含苞  飽綻之預備  等待甜美盛開時機
盈香春色  豐收滿園


Incubating, the bud is ready to bloom
Waiting for the chance of a prosperous bloom
Spring comes, fragrance is abound, filling up the entire garden


L17*W4.8*H11.8 cm


乘風破浪  順勢而起
鴻鵠高飛  一展長才
壯志得伸  名震天下

Accomplished Talents
Breaking the waves, you take the chance to rise
Soaring into the sky, you have your talents fully developed
Ambitions fulfilled, you become famous all over the world


L14.5*W7.42*H27.5 cm


鬥志昂揚  面對全新挑戰
出奇制勝  開創新猷
如飛龍乘雲  勢不可擋

The Dragon Soars
With vivid motivation, you face all the new challenges
Using special tactics, you excel and innovate
As if a dragon sailing on the clouds, with unbreakable force


L12.5*W4.2*H12.5 cm


鬥志昂揚  遠矚高瞻
出奇制勝  開創新猷
拔萃出群  成就得意

With high morale, you envision broadly
With special tactics, you excel and innovate
You outdo your colleagues, will satisfactory accomplishments


L8*W5.2*H10.3 cm


霸氣長虹  足登日月
一舉萬里  聲蓋天下

Sharing the Victory
With high morale, you leap over the sun and moon
With high ambition, you soar into the clouds
Just launch your project, you enjoy unsurpassed fame


L4.5*W4.5*H12.5 cm


蓄銳養精  一舉非凡  功到渠成  屏開奪目

When the Time is Ripe
All the preparations are for the pursuit of glory
Preserving all the energy, you are going to accomplish it
When the time is ripe, you will celebrate your success, as the peacock opens its tail


L12.8*W5*H10.8 cm


暢遊大化  無入不自得
志得其所  順逆坦然
自適安在   如意年年

Like a Fish in Water
Unrestrainedly, you feel complacent
With high ambitions, you take pleasure even in adversity
Satisfied, you enjoy good fortune year after year


L14.6*W6*H25 cm


立於頂峰  站穩腳步
把握良機  一舉中的
巔峰成就  數一數二

Among the Best
Stand tall upon the peak
Strike when the opportunity is right
Rise to the top and be among the best



L8*W8*H13.6 cm


披靡前行  所向無敵

Become an example to all
Set the trend of success
Forever be the champion


L11.5*W8*H10.3 cm


廣結善緣  祿相飽滿
真心相對  諸財聚集

All Forms of Wealth
Make friends to expand your contacts
Be sincere to fill the coffers
These are the secrets to success in business


L10.2*W5.5*H11 cm


歡喜接納財 百財盡入袋
百頁開展富足昌榮  財源興旺富貴不絕

Open the doors and welcome wealth
Fill the accounts with expanding trade
Let the prosperity never end


L11*W6*H11 cm


耐得住熬人的寂寞  吃得下過人的苦處
必定苦盡甘來  福蔭處處  終嚐結果纍纍之美好

If you can endure the crushing weight of loneliness
And take pain that breaks the will of lesser men
Then one day you will emerge to find
A tree laden with the fruits of your labor


L12.5*W7*H9 cm


建構理想  揮灑熱情
蓄勢待發  大顯身手
待新局之成  立即鷹揚天際

Taking Flight
Pour passion into the ideal
Take action when the time comes
When all is ready
Soar into the sky


L12.7*W7*H23 cm


以昂揚之鬥志預勢  以風發之英氣奔馳
大展身手  登峰造極

Assume the position with fire in the eyes
Spring into action as swift as the wind
Unleash the power and rise to the top


L13*W7*H19 cm


領航之王者風範  眼神專注而精準
凜然新局  馬到成功

Leading from the front
Eyes set on the goal
Forward into a new era


L9.5*W9.5*H23.5 cm


歡喜呈祥  納福存祿
花綻飽滿  豐收滿載
順如人意  富貴有餘

Good Fortune
The rewards of happiness
A harvest of plenty
Through success, fortune overflows



吉照家門之福蔭  永續不懈之認真
雙重加持  加倍努力  永遠前程錦繡慶有餘

The blessings of a fortunate household
The dedication of stubborn perseverance
Together, efforts are redoubled
To ensure all success in the future


L17.3*W7*H18 cm


招財進寶 開運避邪
福祿興旺 富貴相隨

Treasure Basin
Welcoming wealth and treasure,
it brings good fortune and keeps you away from misfortune.
Luckiness and fortune prosper. Wealth and fame accompany you.


L9.2*W9.2*H7.8 cm


天賜福祿  招財聚寶   
鎮宅辟邪  驅吉避凶
財源滾滾  步步高升


A blessing of wealth
A ward against evil
A charm for promotion


L10*W6*H12.5 cm


一枝草 一點露
飲水思源 滿懷感恩
在地真情 源遠流長

Local Affection
Each stalk of grass and each drop of dew
Think of the source when taking a sip of water
Be thankful
Genuine local affection
Is long lasting and well established


L14*W8*H29 cm


招福納富 財源滾滾
集人間珍寶 納八方財富

Welcoming Wealth and Treasure
Welcome fortune and accumulate wealth. Money flows in.
Gather all the treasure in the world it brings in all the wealth from everywhere.


L13*W11*H11.2 cm


才略出眾 成就非凡
高傲不屈 獨一無二
超越古今 無與倫比

Exceptional talent
The strength to stand alone
Peerless in every way


L9.2*W6.5*H21.8 cm


威風凜凜 志氣昂揚
氣勢赫赫 胸懷坦蕩
勇往直前 成就輝煌

Tall and proud
Strong and open
Forward into the fray
Glory awaits


L12*W7*H21 cm


情志相投 默契十足 
合作無間 成就輝煌

Of the same aspiration and same mind
The impeccable partnership
Ensures glorious accomplishments


L13*W5*H22 cm


喜上梢  鵲吟吉  騰達豐樂顯吉兆
積善之家  歡喜餘慶  日日平安寬愉  歲歲福壽康寧

Safety. Longevity. Joy.
On the twigs, among the magpies,
Abundant are signs of success, prosperity and joy.
Those who are kind and do good deeds,
Will be rewarded with security and blessings all year round.


L17.5*W17.5*H24.5 cm


沉潛醞釀 累積能力與人脈
待風起雲湧之時 趁勢扶搖奮起
直上頂天 成就不凡志業

Rising straight to the top
Accumulating contacts and strengths
When the wind takes to the stage, so will you
Be pushed straight to the top.


L8.5*W8.5*H21 cm


維新創意 突破窠臼
讓榮耀火焰 延燒久久

Innovative creativity breaks the mode,
Building a refreshing unique style,
Whereby the glory will live on.


L8*W4.5*H15 cm


脫俗芝蘭 盡吐芬芳
才德兼備 後發先至
處祥和靜好之境 享豐碩無朋之果

Outperform the Forerunners
Orchards are with unique fragrance, possessing both virtues and talents,
The late comer can often rise to the top.
Placing oneself in a state of peaceful serenity, one shall reap fruits of abundance.


L10*W9.5*H21 cm


才幹過人 本領崢嶸
一步步 累積眼界與膽識
奮起高升之勢 銳不可擋

Rising Star
Young, talented, rising star,
Gradually garnering experience, slowly takes centre stage,
Poised to soar, take flight.


L15*W5.5*H22 cm


闊步昂首 志在顥穹
萬丈風雲 無畏挑戰
榮升在眼前 隆盛無可擋

Rising Dragon
Striding ahead with heads up,
Obstacles may be ahead, have no fear.
Glory is within sight and prosperity is within reach.


L10.5*W7*H27 cm


慧眼獨具 龍馬興騰  頭角崢嶸 雄姿煥發
威勢凜然 青雲直上  順勢步步隆昇 前程錦繡光燦

Casting your unique insight, spot the winning horse,
Let the budding talent shine with ferocity,
Majesty and formidable fervor,
Rising step by step, steadfast, towards a bright future.


L8*W6*H21.5 cm


因緣福報  上天祐助
富貴有餘  當念惜福
莊重自得  壽祿康泰

Enjoying both Good Fortune and Longevity
Good deeds bring fortunate ends   the heaven is blessing
Enjoying prosperity   Always treasure the good fortune
With self-respect and self-complaceny   you can enjoy affluence, longevity, and health




魚躍出水 點點璀璨

折射再折射 耀動成炫麗的光量


Fishes Come with Good Fortune

Fishes leap over the water

Splashed water drops sparkle

Refract and reflect

Into a glamourous light force




你為我阻擋風雨  我予你後盾之力
只要雙心相對  共享歡心喜悅
夫妻連枝百歲好  永遠不離分

Joy at Heart
You block the wind and rain for me; I give you full support in return
Only if our hearts entwine, will we share joy and happiness
Man and wife with the same heart, we will never part




招福納富 財源滾滾
集人間珍寶 納八方財富

Welcoming Wealth and Treasure
Welcome fortune and accumulate wealth. Money flows in.
Gather all the treasure in the world it brings in all the wealth from everywhere.




錢該是動態  在轉動之間
生財有道  才能家道興旺
滾滾財源  富貴不絕

Boundless Wealth
Wealth is dynamic; it gains during transaction
Making money with the right way, you make your family prosper
With wealth rolling in and fame bestowing to you





努力不懈  力挽狂瀾  成就新局面


Wheel of Good Fortune Comes

Striding forward with steady steps

With endless effort and willful endeavor,

you will accomplish a bright new future




目標鎖定  精準虎視
意氣昂揚  全力以赴
運籌決勝  萬里奔馳

Grasping the Chance
With a determined goal, you aim at it accurately with tiger's eyes
With high ambitions, you endeavor
Grasping the chances, you win and are sky high




皓魄當空寶鏡升  雲間仙籟寂無聲

平分秋色一輪滿  長伴雲衢千里明


Pure Jade

When the pure white moon shines like a mirror,

the heaven is peaceful and tranquil

In the Moon Festival, the full moon lights up the Milky Way




壯闊雄心  捨我其誰
昂揚之志  非凡氣魄
光采顯耀  眾人之典範

Leap like an Extraordinary Dragon
With high ambitions, I dare to shoulder the responsibility
With a determined mind and extraordinary character
My glory will shine, becoming an exemplar for all




有恆心  有毅力

堅持到底  持恆專一

金石可鏤  有志竟成


Ceaseless Endeavor

With perseverance and determination

You insist till the end wholeheartedly

Stones can be carved into sculptures

Where there’s will, there’s a road




目標明確  掌握機會

洞悉時勢  鼓舞人心

展望未來  卓越創新



With clear-cut goals, you grasp the right opportunities

To envision the trends and motivate people

Envisioning the future, you make innovations with excellence




揚帆起航  御風逐浪

實現夢想  詮釋精彩人生


Full Sail

When the sail is full, the ship breaks the waves and sails forward

Actualize your dream, you interpret your life vividly


L10*W5*H11.7 cm


目光遠大  奮發有為

大印在手  領導有方

雄才大略  前程似錦


Promotion and Honors

Farsighted, you are diligent and able

With the seal in your hand, you lead the team wisely

With keen mind and sound decisions, you will have a bright future


L10*W5*H12 cm


雞鳴紫陌迎新曙  風調雨順百花開

大吉大利好運到  喜福滿門迎春來


Wealth and Good Fortune

When the cock crows to welcome the dawn,

mild wind and abundant rains make flowers bloom

Good fortune and good luck will come to you

Joy and happiness will fill your family


L10*W5*H12.4 cm


富貴平安鴻運開  萬事亨通福星來

財源廣進事業興  宏圖大展喜氣盈


Good Fortune and Prosperity

Wealth and peace bring you good luck

Things prosper, blessed by the lucky stars

Fortune abounds, business prospers

Great achievements brings plenty of joy


L10*W5*H13.2 cm


扭轉乾坤福氣到  事事順利圓滿來

吉祥如意賀祥瑞  鴻運開泰迎富貴


Things Happen Fortunately 

When the chance turns, good fortune comes

All things will be smooth and prosper

Good luck and complacency accompany you

Good luck brings you huge wealth


L10*W5*H12.1 cm


歡喜付出  福報就越來越多

歡喜感恩  快樂就越來越多


Virtue and Good Fortune

Offer with a joyful heart,

good fortunes will be awarded to you abundantly

Thanksgiving with a joyful heart, happiness will abound


L18*W12*H18 cm


喜樂安康祝福到  萬事如意身邊繞

歡聲笑語風中飄  祥瑞滿天鴻運照


Happy Monkey Announces Good Fortune

Joy, happiness and good fortune come to you

All things happen smoothly around you

Laughter and joy dance around you,

and good omen and good luck accompany you


L12.5*W7*H12.5 cm


鎖定目標  奮志前行

抓準時勢  勇猛無畏

功成名立  即在眼睫


Fortune Tiger Achieves Great Goals

Target at certain goals, you progress with determination

Grasping the trend, you are courageous and show no fear

Richness and fame are in front of your eyes




順時達變  迎向挑戰
英氣風發  騰驤磊落
萬里前程  馬到成功

Dashing to Success
You change to the times and face the challenges
With a heroic mood, you are honest and upright
Your future is like a long journey; you will reach the destination of success like a sprinting horse




四海龍騰飛  人展鯤鵬志

躍升奔前程  鴻猷創大業


The Dragon Flies

The dragon flies in the four seas

People accomplish their ambitions

Future leaps, you will accomplish great business




堅持理想  努力不懈

竭盡全力  奮力一搏

功成榮耀  非你莫屬


Success at Hand

Insisting on your ideals, you endeavor ceaselessly

Trying with all your best, you make full attempts

Success and glory will be at hand




祥和之氣傳萬里  獅舞富貴鴻福來

獻上彩球喜盈門  瑞氣滿堂萬象新


Fortune Lion Brings Luck

Good omens come from afar

The dancing lion brings good fortune

Presents you with the ribbon ball and joy

Good omens fills your home in the New Year




雙龍騰碧海  飛躍展鴻猷

壯懷振國威  獻瑞創輝煌


Twin Dragons Bring Good Fortune

The twin dragons swim along the green sea to bring you prosperity

With great ambitions you contribute to your country,

glory and prosperity will come




看取蓮花淨  方知不染心  

天地在心間  心寬天地闊

唯心淨土  自性彌陀


Clear Lotus Heart

Seeing the pure lotus, you know your heart is uncontaminated

In the heaven and on earth, you are generous and the heaven spacious

With self-conscious pure as land, you character is Buddha




生命中的花園  蘊藏了很多寶藏 




The garden in life is storing plenty of treasures

Waiting for the one to share the prosperity and green heaven




積善之家  必有餘慶

福祿豐足  金玉滿堂                



The family that performs virtue will be delighted
With gold and jade filling up the chamber,

you enjoy affluence

Things are all smooth –the sign of good omen



L17.8 * W8 * H16.3


擬定計劃 循序漸進

Draw up a plan step by step

and make unremitting efforts

Sure to be on the road to success





Tai Chi

Challenge the trials and ordeals of gusts

To couple strength and gentleness

Movement and static, Spirit follows

Pursue the values of Tai Chi in life





Tai Chi

Challenge the trials and ordeals of gusts

To couple strength and gentleness

Movement and static, Spirit follows

Pursue the values of Tai Chi in life



坤水晶以對琉璃的熱愛為起點,堅持20年至品牌形象的穩固建立,藉著是對品質與在地的堅持。 2013年更開設了獨樹一幟的松菸文創園區玻璃工坊旗艦店, 成為台灣極具代表性的玻璃吹製體驗及各國觀光遊客首選。

Kun’s Crystal sets out from the passion towards lazurite, persisting in stabilized establishment of the brand image based on the persistence towards quality and locality. In 2013, the unique glass workshop flagship store in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was further set up, becoming the first choice for iconic glass-blowing experience and for tourists from all places.

《坤水晶》 琉璃創意設計|玻璃吹製體驗|訂製水晶獎盃|琉璃佛像|訂做琉璃 版權所有©2017年INSIGHT INC。保留所有權利。