| 張開雙臂 暖心擁抱 親切善意 分享感動 Embrace
KC-06111-1 | L9.5*W6*H20.4 cm |
| 昂首 接受榮耀喝采 桂冠加冕 光耀門楣 Laurel Heads up, accept glory and cheers; |
KC-06115 | L12.7*W5*H20.5 |
| 真實力讓信手捻來都變成好運氣 Lucky Star |
KC-06116 | L13*W5*H20.5 |
| 心胸遼闊 可納四海見解 Carrying the Glory |
KC-06117 | L7.5*W7.5*H19.5 |
| 逆流險阻 毫不畏懼 Victory
KC-06118 | L7.5*W7.5*H29 |
| 出色 Outstanding |
KC-06119 | L9*W5*H17.2 |
| 透著光 盡情伸展 Pass Through |
KC-06120 | L8 * W8 * H32 |
| 蛟龍得水 出類拔萃 Taking the lead |
KC-06121 | L8*W6.8*H21 |
| 不畏逆境 激流而上 Aim High With no fear of adversity, you retrace upstream
KC-06122 | L15.5*W5*H22 |
| 心懷鴻鵠之志 Flight |
KC-06123 | L15.5*W5*H22 |
| 不畏逆境 激流而上 Aim High |
KC-06124 | L13*W6.6*H22 |
| 心懷鴻鵠之志 Flight |
KC-06125 | L14*W7.2*H22 |
| 不畏逆境 激流而上 Aim High With no fear of adversity, you retrace upstream |
KC-06126 | L11*W5*H23cm |
| 心懷鴻鵠之志 Flight |
KC-06127 | L11*W5*H23cm |
| 以蓄勢待發之姿 Gain an Immediate Victory |
KC-06128 | L11 * W7 * H21.4 |
| 永樂富足 滿懷感恩 Sustainable |
KC-06129_1 | L7 * W7 * H27 |
| 永樂富足 滿懷感恩 Sustainable |
KC-06129_2 | L7 * W7 * H27 |
| 立定志向 無畏險阻 Soar
KC-06130 | L11.8 * W4.5 * H25.5 |
| 花開喜 福來樂 Spring Scenery
KC-06131 | L11.5 * W3.8 * H15.8 |
| 請輸入內容堅持理想 努力不懈 Unity Insisting on your ideals, you endeavor ceaselessly |
KC-06132 | L9.9*W8.2*H20.4cm |
| 簡潔樸素的儀態 Model Simple and modest manner |
KC-06133 | L7.5*W7.5*H28.3 |
| 有恆心 有毅力 Perseverance With perseverance and determination |
KC-06134 | L7.6*W6*W24cm |
| 團結一致 通力合作 work together |
KC-06135 | L8.6*W7*H28.3cm |
| 點點星光 閃耀奪目 卓越超群 獨領風雲 Stars Shines Star shine catches your eyes
KC-06136 | L8.4*W7*H27.4cm |
| 點點星光 閃耀奪目 卓越超群 獨領風雲 Stars Shines Star shine catches your eyes
KC-06137 | L8.4*W7*H23.1cm |
| 樹起德隆望尊之姿 Status |
KC-06138 | L12*W5*H20.5 |
| 積極進取 追求抱負 自我砥礪 飽滿精實
KC-06001 | (S) L7*W7*H18 cm (M) L7*W7*H21 cm (L) L7*W7*H24 cm |
| 凜然正氣 居高望下
KC-06002 | L7*W7*H21.5 cm |
| 切莫夜郎自大 驕傲自滿 樹大則招風 高處不勝寒
KC-06003 | L7*W7*H18.7 cm |
| 風雲際會 洞見契機
KC-06004 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 如火之勢 奔騰而上
KC-06005 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 不墨守成規 勇於開創新境界
KC-06015 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 去年豐收 圓滿富餘
KC-06016 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 不被眼前格局限制 想像創造力飛馳
KC-06018 | L6.5*W6.8*H14.3 cm |
| 心胸遼闊 可納四海見解
KC-06019 | L10.5*W6.6*H12.5 cm |
| 抱負得以伸展 理想能夠燃燒
KC-06020 | L21*W6*H11.5 cm |
| 光芒湧現 如花燦爛
KC-06026 | L11*W5*H21 cm |
| 準備充裕 能量飽足
KC-06027 | L9.5*W9.5*H12 cm |
| 真實力讓信手捻來都變成好運氣
KC-06028 | L16*W4*H8.5 cm |
| 花含苞 預吐芬芳
KC-06029 | L16*W4.8*H8.8 cm |
| L8.2*W2.5*H6.7 cm |
| L8.2*W2.5*H6.7 cm |
| L6.5*W2.5*H6 cm |
| L6.5*W2.5*H6 cm |
| L13*W8*H21.5 cm |
| L15.5*W8*H16.5 cm |
| 春吟東風百花開 蝶舞花間群徘徊
KC-06056 | L9.5*W4*H19 cm |
| 以蓄勢待發之姿
KC-06057 | L7.8*W6*H30.6 cm |
| 創意夢想 希望蘊釀
KC-06058-1 | L21*W5.5*H11.5cm |
| 創意夢想希望蘊釀 翩翩風采起舞飛揚 廣闊天際心動遨翔
Dance Creativity and dreams Flying with the wind Soaring across the sky |
KC-06058-2 | L6.5*W2.5*H6 cm |
| 春吟東風百花開 蝶舞花間群徘徊
KC-06059 | L18*W4*H13.8 cm |
| 春芽萌動 大地之始
KC-06060-1 | L5.3*W5.3*H16.4 cm |
| 春綻之時 芳馥滿園
KC-06060-2 | L6*W5*H17 cm |
| 大地充滿著生機
KC-06061 | L7.2*W6.8*H23.5 cm |
| 大地充滿著生機
KC-06061-2 | L7.2*W6.8*H23.5 cm |
| 那火把 燃起熱情 那炙熱 燒起澎拜
KC-06062 | L7.8*W6*H24.5 cm |
| 那火把 燃起熱情 那炙熱 燒起澎拜
KC-06062-2 | L7.8*W6*H24.5 cm |
| 天瑞福雋 福壽綿綿
KC-06063 | L10*W5*H24 cm |
| 天瑞福雋 福壽綿綿
KC-06063-2 | L10*W5*H24 cm |
| 春賞百花開 夏遊綠荷池
KC-06064 | L10.7*W10.7*H4.5 cm |
| 春神來了怎知道 梅花黃鶯報到
KC-06065-1 | L11*W2.5*H7.8 cm |
| 朵朵荷花池塘邊 點點夏荷醉紅顏
KC-06065-2 | L11*W2.5*H7.8 cm |
| 銀燭秋光冷畫屏 輕羅小扇撲流螢
KC-06065-3 | L11*W2.5*H7.8 cm |
| 花中真君子 風姿寄高雅
KC-06065-4 | L11*W2.5*H7.8 cm |
| 胸擁萬千不凡志 無畏險阻路遙
KC-06066 | L11*W6*H18 cm |
| 大風起兮 浪濤飛揚 無懼風雨 乘風破浪
KC-06074 | L10*W9*H28 cm |
| 大風起兮 浪濤飛揚 無懼風雨 乘風破浪
KC-06074-2 | L10*W9*H28 cm |
| 清麗面容 無瑕姿態
KC-06075 | L10.4*W5*H22.4 cm |
| 昂首 接受榮耀喝采
KC-06076 | L11.5*W4*H22.6 cm |
| 逆流險阻 毫不畏懼
KC-06077-1 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 逆流險阻毫不畏懼 先機在握運籌決勝 風雲際會誰與爭鋒
Victory In the face of dire straits, fear not. On hand are opportunities, for your maneuvering. Timing is now right; usher in your victory. |
KC-06077-2 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 逆流險阻毫不畏懼 先機在握運籌決勝 風雲際會誰與爭鋒
Victory In the face of dire straits, fear not. On hand are opportunities, for your maneuvering. Timing is now right; usher in your victory. |
KC-06077-3 | L7*W7*H22 cm |
| 熾熾烈焰 燃起熱情夢想
KC-06078 | L14*W4*H24 cm |
| 光芒湧現 如花燦爛
KC-06079 | L9*W4*H13 cm |
| 歷經磨練而浴火重生 懷抱希望而勇於蛻變 用心體悟生命的本真
Metamorphosis Enduring trials, you rose from the ashes Holding hopes, you dare to transform To get enlightened with the truth of life |
KC-06091-1 | L6.8*W6.8*H28.6 cm |
| 歷經磨練而浴火重生 懷抱希望而勇於蛻變 用心體悟生命的本真
Metamorphosis Enduring trials, you rose from the ashes Holding hopes, you dare to transform To get enlightened with the truth of life
KC-06091-2 | L6.8*W6.8*H28.6 cm |
| 風雨同舟 共體時艱
KC-06092-1 | L10*W6.8*H20.7 cm |
| 風雨同舟 共體時艱 看見過去之失 共創未來之鑰 美好新局 即在眼前
On the Same Boat In the wind and rain, we are on the same boat, facing adversity Examining the misdeeds in the past, we dare to make a new future The brave new world is lying in front of us
KC-06092-2 | L10*W6.8*H20.7 cm |
| 記得每天都揚起嘴角 如同暖陽下的鬱金香 人因此而幸福 你因幸福而芬芳
Purple Tulip Remember to lift your mouth into smiles Like tulips bloom under the warm sun It makes people happy. You are fragrant with happiness |
KC-06093 | L8.2*W8.2*H19 cm |
| 簡潔樸素的儀態 展現包容與寬恕的非凡氣度 清芳脫俗的內涵 散發風格與典範的獨特魅力
Manner Simple and modest manner Display the magnitude of tolerance and forgiveness Lofty and unrestrained characters Manifest unique manners and outstanding charms |
KC-06094 | L8.2*W8.2*H19.5 cm |
| 不經風雨 難成大樹 不受百煉 難以成鋼 任重道遠 成就非凡
Outstanding Not tested by wind and rain, trees will not be huge trees Without any trials, minerals can hardly become steel You’re vested with important missions, accomplish them outstandingly |
KC-06095 | L8.2*W8.2*H20.5 cm |
| 生命的歡呼 歲月的樂章 認真活出精彩的人生 為自己的堅持與努力而喝采
Bravo The cheers of life and the music of time Live an exciting and vivid life For yourself, with insistence and endeavor. Bravo |
KC-06096 | L7.5*W7.5*H24.4 cm |
| 風度翩翩神采飛揚 才華洋溢氣宇軒昂 美輪美奐 美天下 盛世盛景 盛霓裳
Charm With lofty manner and high spirits You are talented and outstanding Beauty and charm, excelling in the world Prosperity, glamor, beautifully dressed |
KC-06097 | L10*W7.5*H25.6 cm |
| 登峰攀頂 鬥志昂揚
Eagle's Spirit |
KC-06098 | L11*W7.5*H24.5cm |
| 出類拔萃 無與倫比 獨占鰲頭 盡享榮耀
Champion Outstanding and unsurpassed Taking the lead, you enjoy enormous glory |
KC-06099 | L7.4*W7.8*H29.2 cm |
| 生命中的逆境 如同高溫的試煉 由你決定自己的態度 只要願意勇敢跨出第一步 就能遇見更好的自己 更好的命運
Superb Adversary in life is like the trail in high temperature You determine your own attitudes If you are just willing to take the first step You will see your better self, better destiny |
KC-06100 | L10*W7.5*H25.6 cm |
| 大地回春 萬象更新 好運降臨 諸事順遂
Three Goats Bring Fortune Spring comes to the earth, everything refreshes Good omens come, everything prospers |
KC-06101 | L9*W7.5*H19 cm |
| 有朝氣 有作為 戰鬥的意志磅礡澎湃 準備迎接新挑戰
Struggling with High Spirit With aspiration and accomplishments Your will to struggle is gigantic Ready to take on new challenges |
KC-06102 | L8.2*W7*H31.8 cm |
| 金色麥田中的麥穗 如灑落心田的暖陽 期待耕耘後的豐收 知足滿溢
Good Harvest Ears in the golden wheat fields Shine like the warm sun at heart Expect complacency after a good harvest |
KC-06103-1 | L7.5*W7.5*H22.2 cm |
| 金色麥田中的麥穗 如灑落心田的暖陽 期待耕耘後的豐收 知足滿溢
Good Harvest Ears in the golden wheat fields Shine like the warm sun at heart Expect complacency after a good harvest
KC-06103-2 | L7.5*W7.5*H22.2 cm |
| 迎著風 敞開胸襟 享受心靈神會的自我 底定內心深處的目標
Flying High Welcoming the wind with an open mind You enjoy the enlightened self And goals deep in your heart |
KC-06104-1 | L7.5*W7.5*H26.8 cm |
| 迎著風 敞開胸襟 享受心靈神會的自我 底定內心深處的目標
Flying High Welcoming the wind with an open mind You enjoy the enlightened self And goals deep in your heart
KC-06104-2 | L7.5*W7.5*H26.8 cm |
| 挑戰那些凌風而來的試煉考驗 追求生命中的價值與勝利 才是真正永恆的人生冠冕
The Eagle Dashes Challenge the trials and ordeals of gusts Pursue the values of and victories in life It is the authentic and eternal honors of life |
KC-06105 | L10*W7.5*H24.8 cm |
| 自由自在 無拘無束地漫遊 盡情地享受生命的樂活
Travel Free and unrestrainedly You travel around Enjoy joys in life frivolously |
KC-06106 | L7.4*W6.8*H31.7 cm |
| 有想法就去揮灑 值得付出就去愛 只要勇往直前 星星之火也能燎原 人生就是要每分每秒都活得精彩燦爛
Marvels With ideas, do it. Finding the worthy one, love Go forward courageously, a spark will fire up the plain Life should be marvelous in every second |
KC-06107-1 | L10.4*W5.5*H27.8 cm |
| 有想法就去揮灑 值得付出就去愛 只要勇往直前 星星之火也能燎原 人生就是要每分每秒都活得精彩燦爛
Marvels With ideas, do it. Finding the worthy one, love Go forward courageously, a spark will fire up the plain Life should be marvelous in every second
KC-06107-2 | L10.4*W5.5*H27.8 cm |
| 追求卓越 堅持唯一 步步踏實 邁向高峰
Excel Pursuit of excellence, insist on the only one Go forward with stable steps to approach the apex |
KC-06108 | L10.4*W5.5*H27.3 cm |
| 領航之王者風範
KC-06109 | L10*W10*H19 cm |
| 所向披靡 翹首引領 無與倫比 奮勇當先
Pioneer Beyond compare, you take the lead Unsurpassed, you are the courageous pioneer |
KC-06110 | L8.5*W6.8*H21 cm |
| 張開雙臂 暖心擁抱 親切善意 分享感動 微笑 是幸福快樂的力量 鼓勵 使人生充滿了希望
Embrace Open your arms wide to embrace warmly Intimately and kindly, you share your sensations Smile is the power of happiness and joy Encouragement fills this life with hopes |
KC-06111 | L9.5*W6*H20.4 cm |
| 春綻之時 芳馥滿園
KC-06112 | L9*W4.5*H15.8 cm |
| 鼎業維新 創造高峰 大展鴻猷 繁榮昌盛
Flourish Making innovation, you reach another apex Your business prospers, flourishment abounds |
KC-06113-1 | L7.1*W7.5*H8.5 cm L10*W10*H15.5 cm L10*W10*H19 cm |
| 鼎業維新 創造高峰 大展鴻猷 繁榮昌盛
Flourish Making innovation, you reach another apex Your business prospers, flourishment abounds
KC-06113-2 | L10*W10*H15.5cm |
| 鼎業維新 創造高峰 大展鴻猷 繁榮昌盛
Flourish Making innovation, you reach another apex Your business prospers, flourishment abounds
KC-06113-3 | L10*W10*H19cm |
| 無比優美動人的天然神韻與魅力 觸動賞心悅目的心靈享受 流連忘返於萬種風情中
Customs and Charm Unsurpassed elegance and natural charm Touch your heart and bring spiritual enjoyment Wandering among endless charms |
KC-06114 | L14.5*W4.5*H14.5 cm |
| 春芽萌動 大地之始
(S)L10*W4.5*H13cm (M)L12*W5*H15.5cm (L)L14*W5.5*18cm |
KC-07015 |
| 春綻之時 芳馥滿園
(S)L10*W4.5*H13cm (M)L12*W5*H15.5cm (L)L14*W5.5*18cm
KC-07016 |
Kun’s Crystal sets out from the passion towards lazurite, persisting in stabilized establishment of the brand image based on the persistence towards quality and locality. In 2013, the unique glass workshop flagship store in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was further set up, becoming the first choice for iconic glass-blowing experience and for tourists from all places.