• KC-01001
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立定志向 奮志前行氣昂昂
志捲長虹鼎足而立 天高地闊從此騰捷飛升


Make up your mind, Aspire to go forward

With a determined mind, you are going to win a place for yourself
Ample space in the heaven and earth, you are going to sky high


L5*W5.5*H9 cm


漢龍蟠踞  騰雲駕霧 撥雲見日青天現 視野遼闊格局廣

胸懷豪志  氣魄懾人


Han Dragon
The Han dragon is coughing, ready to leap into the sky
To clear up the clouds and mists to see the sun
With a broad mind, it is going to see afar
With unfathomable aspiration, its will is awesome


L6.5*W1.7*H6.5 cm


週而復始  歲歲平安
年年如意  平安有餘


Swimming in Peace

The year ends and starts

With peace on earth every year
Good fortune comes every year
Like a fish swimming in abundant peace


L6.8*W3*H7.2 cm


張嘴怒吼天下懼 豪情壯志眾人知
頂天立地 人中之龍


The Dragon Shock the Universe
Roaring with its mouth opened, shock the world
Its aspirations is splendid and grand
Erecting in the midst of the heaven and earth, the dragon among people


L9.6*W1.5*H9.6 cm


天瑞福雋  福壽綿綿 得身安泰  一生順心

Peace and complacent
The heaven brings up good fortune
Longevity and complacency
With a healthy body, happiness comes to you all life long
Peace and complacency are already good fortune


L7.3*W3.5*H6.3 cm


吉照家門  和氣致祥 安常處順  美意延年
富足自得的心境 最是吉祥如意

Fortunate Goat
Good fortune resides at our home
Peace and harmony brings further luck
A rich and complacent mind

Is the most fortunate


L9*W5*H11.8 cm


知足心常樂  貪多意則憂 知福惜福  生命豐美動人

Good Fortunate is Right in Front of You
Self-complacency is happiness. Voluptuous brings worry and sadness.
Recognizing and treasuring the good fortune,

your life will be prolific and happy.
Good fortune is just right in front of you


L10.5*W6*H12.5 cm


寬心自在  風雅愜意 將心舒敞  悠游天地
即使只是一方小池塘 皆能無入而不自得

With a broad mind, you will feel free and easy, elegant and content.
Open up your mind, to roam in the heaven and earth.
Even if it is a small pond, you will feel just satisfied.


L10*W10*H2.5 cm


富足之心  貴在善緣
善緣廣結  富而好禮
開門迎福  富貴綿延

Affluence comes to your door
As affluent heart comes from harmonious interrelationship
To build up harmonious interrelationship
Just open the door, you will find affluence has already arrived unnoticed. Wealth sustains.


L9*W4*H7 cm


埋頭低首  只為累積成功的實力
探首雲開  天下獨步 王者氣度  獨領風騷

The Dragon Ascends to the Throne
With the head crouched, to concentrate on the business,
Just to accumulate the ability to make success
With the head lifted, wiping away the clouds, to excel
With the leader
s temperament, it surpasses all


L6.3*W3*H7.5 cm



Blooming Flowers  Full Moon
The flowers bloom bring wealth and good fortune.
Worldly affairs perfect as full moon.


L6.5*W4.2*H7 cm


傳家何物 一曰褔善  一曰富貴
何以得兼 代代行善  代代富貴

Affluence for the Generations to Come
What the best wealth for your descendants?
Some people say good fortune and benignity; Some others say wealth
How to have them both?
Both you and your descendants should do benign deeds, affluence may come to your family.


L8.5*W6.5*H6 cm


莫忘患難之友  相扶之手 情深義重  無時或忘
恩德  永遠盤繞銘心

The plate rounds with memory, inscribing the heart
t forget the friend in need; They are always ready to help
Their love is deep and duty abundant. Never forget them.
Love and virtue, you should always bear them in your heart.


L14.3*W8.8*H4.7 cm


咭咭呱呱  安之若命 偷一方悠閒天地
吟一曲優美旋律 歡欣愉悅  滿溢於心

Sing Merrily
Sing my friend, be contend with your life.
Just take a short break out of your tight schedule, you will fell free in this tiny corner of the heaven and earth
Sing a lovely tune
Happiness and contentment will make your heart full.


L8*W8*H6.5 cm


目光遠大  力爭上游

勝不驕 敗不餒
登頂贏家  勝券穩操

Victory at Hand
With a foresight and a broad mind, try to swim upstream with all you can.
If you win, don
t be arrogant; lose, not frustrated.
The winner at the apex, is holding victory with his hand.


L6.5*W5.5*H8.4 cm


祥龍盤據 環繞明珠  能量俱足
大才槃槃  欣喜圓龍 成就圓融新象

The Dragon Gaming with the Pearl
The fortunate dragon ending
Around the pearl with sufficient power
The talent being so great, the dragon is happy and round
To achieve a perfectly new beginning


L7.1*W7.5*H4.8 cm


含笑看世事  心開無雜念
眉梢皆福印  喜樂上心頭

Happy Deeds, the Heaven Reward
See the toilsome deeds in this world with a laughter. Open up your heart without any intolerance.
Good fortune will appears between your eyes and on your forehead. Merriness and happiness will gush out from your heart.


L6.8*W4.5*H3.3 cm


廣開財源  努力不懈
財路亨通  祿相飽滿

Open up all the channels to affluence, with endeavor and diligence.
Road to wealth will be opened to you.
Your facial appearance will be saturated with heavenly fortune.


L6.8*W6.3*H6 cm


蝶戀花香  花蜜纏綿  一生一世  真心相許
曉鏡雲鬢  誓不分離  祝福真意  盡在其中

The butterflies love the flowers for their fragrance. The hearts of the flowers is sweetened with love.
For this life and the lives to come, you will always be my love.
We cross our hearts when we the mirror reflects our youthful beauty. We still unite when our hairs turn grey. Never part do we.
Blessing with the hearts; all words become silent.



L9.5*W4.6*H7 cm


獅舞祥瑞  雙雙對對
相互扶持  齊力斷金
開創事業  最佳夥伴

Paired Lion Bringing Wealth and Fortune
The dancing lions bring good fortune, in pairs
Helping each other out, to accumulate incredible ability
To start a new business, as the best partners


L9.8*W5.5*H4.5 cm , L7.3*W5.5*H6.3 cm


洞燭機先  搶先機  

別開生面  樹典範

成竹在胸  勝券在握

Foresight and Good Plan
With foresight, it is going to take the lead
Opening up new phases, be ready to establish the exemplar
With plan in mind, victory is at hand


L4.5*W4.5*H5.5 cm


勇往直前 奔馳如電
撒開馬蹄 開創新局

The Leading Horse
Dashing in front with all its strength
Sprint ahead like flash
Unleash the hoofs
Open up a new era



L8.5*W5*H10.6 cm


鼎足之勢  銳不可當
力拔山河  氣貫長虹
相互提攜  永遠雙贏

Dual-win like Tripod Stands
Sharing the glory as the tripod
s stands,
the ambitions cannot be deterred
That shakes the heaven and earth, more magnificent than the rainbow
Helping with each other, dual-win can always be achieved



L8.3*W3.6*H6.2 cm


打開繁花似錦的真心  承載的是你的真情
錦囊中有百樣寶  最珍惜的是化不開的濃情真意

The Treasure Bag
Open up the true heart wide like blooming flowers
To hold all your true love
In the bag, there are 100 kinds of treasure
The most wealth I treasure is the love that is so deep


L8.4*W6.6*H4 cm


悠揚樂聲響起  清歌妙舞之端
翩翩舞姿  將降落眼前  共赴一場舞之饗宴

Charming Dance
When the music starts
at the edge of lovely tunes and elegant dances
the charming steps will appear in front of you
to bring you to a ball happy with charming dance



L10.5*W4*H8.4 cm


連心並蒂  兼容並蓄  

風雅之姿  盡在其中

Lotus Heart
The lotus and its heart entwine; They co-habit harmoniously
Sing a song of the lotus scene and enchanting atmosphere
The elegant postures are the most beautiful scene



L9.3*W9.3*H3.8 cm


連心並蒂  兼容並蓄 


風雅之姿  盡在其中


Lotus Heart

The lotus and its heart entwine; They co-habit harmoniously

Sing a song of the lotus scene and enchanting atmosphere

The elegant postures are the most beautiful scene




L9.3*W9.3*H3.8 cm


情長緣深  綴成一圓
圓了緣  美夢成真
心圓意滿  樂業安居

Round the Relationship
Love is long; Relation, deep
round a circle.
Round the relationship
the beautiful dream comes true
the heart is round, the mind is rich. Live a affluent life with a promising career.


L8.3*W8.3*H5.3 cm


吉兆顯  天上麒麟現凡塵
事事順遂  吉慶無虞
人人歡喜  瑞氣滿堂

The Unicorn brings Double-Happiness
The good omen manifests, when the unicorn descends from the heaven
With everything goes on smoothly, good fortune abounds
Every people is so happy, good fortune permeates


L6.3*W4*H6 cm , L7*W4*H5 cm


舞動之間  盡是祈福深意
騰雲之姿  迎接百世福祿
祥風瑞雲  永保無虞

The dancing lion and the flying clouds
When dancing, everything become caring and blessing
The posture of flying amidst the clouds,
it welcomes life-long good fortune and high position
The fortunate wind and auspicious clouds prospers blessing joy,
wealth and longevity forever


L7*W5*H6.5 cm


回首過往  常保浩然之氣
精神正大  氣概剛直
一生無愧於心 永世受人景仰

The Righteous Air Abundant
Reminiscing the past, it is ideal to preserves the righteous air always
With the magnificent spirit and upright mind
One will never feel shame in the entire life
Respected by people always


L7*W7*H7.8 cm


喜鵲鳴吉  吉祥如意
喜鵲唱喜  喜上眉梢

The Red Magpie
The magpie sings, bringing good fortune, good luck, and contentment
The magpie sings, happiness is filled up right to the eyes and brows


L6.6*W6.1*H6.1 cm


儷影雙雙  鳳鸞和嗚
相敬如賓  百年好合

Couple in Love
The coupe in love,
Harmonious as phoenix singing
Respect each other as companion,
Spending the whole life together




L7*W5.3*H11 cm


沉穩如象  不急不燥
步步踏實  不亢不卑
穩重堅定  福慧俱足

Panorama of Peace
Stable as an elephant, not to worry or haste
Make your step firm, humble but upright
Stable and steady, you will enjoy both wisdom and good fortune


L6.3*W3.4*H7 cm


忙裡偷閒  捧一心閒適
手持福壺  注風雅之趣
品味佳茗  得滿心安樂

Tea Fun up to the Brim
Take a break in the midst of a busy day and treat yourself with a pot of leisure
Holding a fortunate pot in your hand and pour stylistic charm
The joy of sipping the tea gives you full complacency


L10.5*W6.5*H5 cm


龍生九子  富貴天賜
積善不斷  褔壽不絕
庇蔭子孫  瓜瓞綿綿

Longevity and Good Fortune; Dragon and Tortoise
The dragon gives birth to nine children. Affluent is heaven
s gift.
Doing all the benign deeds, both good fortune and longevity is boundless.
They will bless your descendents as well, like the melon
s vine, endless and prosper.


L8.2*W5.3*H5 cm


厲精更始  攀高登頂  目光長遠  胸有成竹
馬上封侯何時  努力踏實自伊始

Fortune for Official Posts
Make great efforts and have a well-thought-out plan
Climb to the mountaintop and expand your vision
Your efforts will bring you success
Having an official post is your destiny.


L7.6*W4.5*H8.8 cm


惡小不為  善小不棄
積善之家  必有餘慶
以之傳家  福祿壽喜永不絕

Good Fortune and Luckiness Abound
No matter how small the vice is one should never do it.
No matter how small the virtue is one should always do it.
For those families that accomplish lots of virtue, happiness is always abundant
Virtue is the best heritage, for it always brings you endless good fortune,
luck, longevity, and happiness.


L8.6*W5*H11 cm


祥獅獻瑞  普天同慶
天官賜福  祥和之氣傳萬里
皇天眷佑  長祿百世永不衰

Twin Lion Celebrate together
The fortunate lions bring us good fortune when all the people are celebrating
The heavenly god brings prosperity, peace, and harmony to us all
With the blessing of the heaven, we can enjoy both incessant longevity and prosperity


L8.3*W8.3*H4.3 cm


胸懷坦然 襟抱曠達  處世圓融 悠游其中
縱浪大化中 不喜亦不懼  圓之智慧 逆境皆越

Round and Perfect
With a broad mind, you include all
Handling interrelationship with round and perfect manner, you are at ease
Even transforming adversity into prosperity, without fear or indulgence
With the wisdom of perfection, you can overcome all hardships


L8.5*W5*H10.5 cm


金雞昂首 報喜之聲
功名之緣 垂手自得
即將水到渠成 行成功滿

The golden rooster raises its head to announce some good news
With a happy voice, it says the chance of becoming rich and famous is at hand
When the time comes, everything will be completed perfectly


L9*W5*H11.5 cm


即使時空隔阻 亦阻斷不了
這般濃濃情意 深厚之情感
時時捎封信息 平安就是福

The Bamboo Reports Peace
Even with the barrier of time and space, it cannot stop
this love, this passion, and this longing
It delivers to you the message from time to time: a peaceful life is already a good fortune


L9.7*W5.6*H5.4 cm


認真不懈之人  上天必有福蔭
只要把握良機 力圖上進  定能時來運來 功成業立

Lucky Chances
The people who work seriously and ceaselessly
Heaven will bless you
If only you can grasp the chance and work hard
If it is time, the luck will be yours. Then, yon can accomplish your goal handsomely.


L7.5*W3*H10 cm


不論順逆  摯交相挺
走過風雨  迎向晴陽
如此貴人相助  當然業興暢旺

Good Year
No matter whether adversity or good fortune, your good friends will support you
To endure the wind and rain and approach sunny days
With the help of benefactors, your business will bloom.


L10.2*W5.5*H12.5 cm


凝四方之力  創千秋霸業
高瞻遠矚  不畏崎嶇  氣勢出群  譽滿寰中

Ferocity Subdues the Situation
Concentrating the force from everywhere, you can establish an awesome business.
With visions and forethought, you do not bend in adversity
With exceptional morale, you are destined to enjoy global celebrity.


L2.8*W3.2*H8.2 cm


蟠龍之勢  積蓄能量  格局遼闊  廣納四海
充裕準備  一舉千里  直躍天衢

The Dragon Leaps into the Sky
The crouching dragon is cultivating its energy.
With an open mind and a broad view, you accept things from the Four Seas
With ample preparation, you are ready to leap, to leap into the sky


L8.8*W3.2*H11.2 cm


樂天知命  諸事圓滿
昂首闊步  歡喜滿心
知福惜福  喜事天成

Optimistic, you find everything perfect
Standing upright, you feel complacent
Treasure your fortune, heaven will help give you luck


L8.5*W8.5*H3.8 cm


神安氣定 仁厚宅心  圓融開心待世事
自然諸事如意 順心安康

Lucky in Everything
With a peaceful mind and kind heart
You treat people and handle things with joy and consideration
Of course, you find luck in everything; and you feel peace and stay healthy


L7.6*W5.5*H6.2 cm


諸事順心  仰頭謝天  

今年有餘  來年更豐收
安身樂業  福祿豐足

Joy and Wealth
Smooth in accomplishing everything, you raise your head to thank heaven
With a surplus this year, you expect good harvest the year to come
Complacent with your job and life, you are lucky and wealthy


L10*W5*H10 cm


圓圓滿滿  圈成一圓
微笑寬容  善待世事
幸福自在  即是無價寶

All together in a circle
Smiles and tolerance
Happiness is its own reward


L10.3*W6*H10.5 cm


天空般的開闊  喜悅暢然
湖水般的寧靜  寬容自得
和平喜樂  盡在好心田中

Enjoy the freedom of the open skies
Embrace the tranquility of placid lakes
Discover peace and happiness within


L10*W10*H9.5 cm


腳踏實地  穩紮穩打  不懼風波  不畏險境
一步一腳印  高陞登頂

Advance with certainty
Through danger and toil
Scale the peak
One step at a time


L8.9*W5*H6.2 cm


天賜福祿  招財聚寶   
鎮宅辟邪  驅吉避凶
財源滾滾  步步高升

A blessing of wealth
A ward against evil
A charm for promotion


L9.5*W5*H9.5 cm


行千里善 積福氣  讀萬卷書 啟智慧
福氣智慧相伴  幸福快樂相隨

Contentment and Wisdom
Perform good deeds to develop contentment
Read plenty of books to garner wisdom
When contentment and wisdom come together
True happiness will ensue


L12*W7*H7.5 cm


洞燭機先 昂首眺望
卯足全力 逸躍功成

A bright future
With foresight, you envision broadly
Striving to surpass with all your heart achieving handsomely


L7.5*W4*H6.3 cm


才能出眾 技術高超
脫穎而出 領先群雄

Best of the Best
Outstanding talent
Exceptional skills
Extraordinary ability
Maintains dominance and leadership


L10*W5*H8.5 cm


雄壯威武 氣勢非凡
虎躍龍騰 福祿滿門

Vivacity of a Tiger
Majestic and powerful
Demonstrates remarkable posture
The leaping tiger and soaring dragon
Bring forth abundant prosperity and good fortune


L8*W5*H8.5 cm


昂昂 志捲長虹  意揚揚 雄姿勃發
激揚奮發 誰與爭鋒  必得之勢 必將行滿功圓

Charged with confidence, reaching the sky,
Filled with intensions, majestic and ready to strike,
Going on a roll, insurmountable,
Give all your might and success is at hand.


L10*W5*H12 cm


美麗的島  是最深的眷戀





Formosa, my beloved land

It always tolerates the unruliness of children here

Oh, beautiful Taiwan


L8.8*W5*H10.5 cm


招福納富 財源滾滾
集人間珍寶 納八方財富

Welcoming Wealth and Treasure
Welcome fortune and accumulate wealth. Money flows in.
Gather all the treasure in the world it brings in all the wealth from everywhere.


L6.5*W4.2*H6.5 cm


春暉寸草心  推衿送暖情

父母情深似海  罔極恩勝萬金


Parental Love

Parents' love, warms up her children

This love is deep as the sea

The enormous grace is worth more than millions


L6.3*W4.6*H5.5 cm


一元復始  萬物生輝

如雲湧升  如龍騰起

繁榮昌盛  更展宏圖


Dragon Dancing on Flying Clouds

The New Year comes, all things shine

Like rising clouds and leaping dragons

A prosperous and bright future comes


L7.2*W4.1*H6.2 cm


無畏艱難險阻  堅守信念  以非凡的毅力  拔苦與樂



Willful Dedication

Show no fear to danger and barriers

With confidence and idealism, you work with enormous perseverance,

showing no fear for hardships and no longing for joy

Your fearless and determined character are worthy of our respect


L6.2*W4.8*H6.9 cm


跨越  突破  創新


超越自我  努力不懈


Leaping Forward

Transcendence, breakthrough and innovation

Are crouched in your heart

Ready to surpass oneself, with endless endeavor


L6.4*W3.7*H7.5 cm






Joy Abounds

Progressing with joy

Striding forward with non-stop paces

Peace and joy are welcoming you


L7*W4.2*H7 cm


祈福求安  加官晉爵

美好願望  绵延到子子孫孫


Promotion and Honors

Pray for peace, promotion and honors

Good wishes to your descendants still to come




積善之家  必有餘慶

為善最樂  厚德纍纍



Benignity Brings Joy

Families doing good deeds will enjoy great joy

It is joyful to conduct benign deeds, with virtues

Good fortune and rewards will come to you and your descendants


L6.3*W4.5*H6.7 cm


掌握時機  生財有道
財源湧進  金玉滿門
興盛富貴  滾滾不絕

Huge Profit
Grasping the chance, you know how to earn huge profit
With money flooding in, your house is packed with gold and jade
Affluence and prosperity prevail


L6.8*W4.9*H6.6 cm


玉潤豬圓  知足隨喜  

福星高眺  安常履順
喜悅感恩  惜福諸事旺

Satisfaction in Everything
Round as a pearl and perfect as jade, you are self-content and find happiness in everything
With the fortune star guarding over you, you feel smooth doing everything
With joy and happiness, you treasure everything; likewise, you are fortunate





Tai Chi                                                                                 

Challenge the trials and ordeals of gusts

To couple strength and gentleness

Movement and static, Spirit follows

Pursue the values of Tai Chi in life



坤水晶以對琉璃的熱愛為起點,堅持20年至品牌形象的穩固建立,藉著是對品質與在地的堅持。 2013年更開設了獨樹一幟的松菸文創園區玻璃工坊旗艦店, 成為台灣極具代表性的玻璃吹製體驗及各國觀光遊客首選。

Kun’s Crystal sets out from the passion towards lazurite, persisting in stabilized establishment of the brand image based on the persistence towards quality and locality. In 2013, the unique glass workshop flagship store in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was further set up, becoming the first choice for iconic glass-blowing experience and for tourists from all places.

《坤水晶》 琉璃創意設計|玻璃吹製體驗|訂製水晶獎盃|琉璃佛像|訂做琉璃 版權所有©2017年INSIGHT INC。保留所有權利。