• KC-02080
  • KC-07001
  • KC-07002
  • KC-07003
  • KC-07004
  • KC-07005
  • KC-07006
  • KC-07007
  • KC-07008
  • KC-07009
  • KC-07010
  • KC-07011
  • KC-07012 
  • KC-07013
  • KC-07014
  • KC-07017
  • KC-07018
  • KC-07019
  • KC-07020
  • KC-07021
  • KC-07022
    |逗 樂|
  • KC-07024


好合百年 蓮開並蒂
恩愛扶持 喜樂恆久


Precious like twin lotus flowers on one stalk, May the newlyweds be forever bound,
Building a happy family together,
With love, joy and happiness.




L22.5*W22.5*H23 cm


結髮為夫妻  恩愛兩不移 願琴瑟和鳴  永浴愛河
從今爾後  同甘共苦 福禍同享  休憩與共

Live Happily together for a hundred years
To tie the hair together and become man and wife   you love each other and will never change
Harmonious together   bathing in the river of love forever
From now on   we share all the ups and downs
Sharing all the fortune and shoulder all the misdeeds together   live and enjoy together


L10.5*W4.8*H6.6 cm


因緣福報  上天祐助
富貴有餘  當念惜福
莊重自得  壽祿康泰

Enjoying both Good Fortune and Longevity
Good deeds bring fortunate ends   the heaven is blessing
Enjoying prosperity   Always treasure the good fortune
With self-respect and self-complaceny   you can enjoy affluence, longevity, and health




L7*W2.8*H3.3 cm


小小調味碟  能納百般滋味 讓飲食更富風味
成為珍饈佳餚  令人垂涎三尺
莫怪它沾沾自喜  洋洋得意

Pleased with Oneself
The small seasoning plate   can hold all sort of tastes
To make food more delicious
Become aromatic cuisine   arousing your appetite
No wonder it pleases with itself   showing to be satisfied




L8*W6.5*H2 cm


將祥獅鏤心刻骨 化美觀為實用
刻印是種承諾 拓印如人  信用無價

The fortunate lions twin-seal
Engraving the fortunate lion deep into the bones and hearts
To transform them into beauty and practical items
Engraving a seal is a promise
Stamping with the seal like one
s personality   with enormous credibility


L2.2*W2.2*H6.5 cm


繁花似錦  如盛開情愛
舉杯同飲  同甘共苦
願執子之手  與子偕老

Splendid love
The flowers bloom productively   as love blossoms
Holding the goblets sipping the nectar   promising to share the ups and downs
Holding your hand   to spend our lives together


L10.5*W6*H9 cm


春光融融  和氣習習 顧盼神飛  意氣風發
隨風之姿  快意動人 春風滿面  得意洋洋

With spring wind filled with the sleeves
Spring arrives happily    harmoniously we spend our time together
With an elevated look    you show to be of high spirit
You gesture flies in the wind    Happy mood touching
With spring wind caressing your face    you look satisfied


L10*W8*H14 cm


天官賜福  富貴一生
臨門雙喜  順遂如意
心滿意足  喜不自勝

Celebrating Double Happiness
The heaven god offers us good fortune   to live a prosperous life
Double happiness arrive   making things smooth and people satisfied
With a happy and complacent heart   joy excesses


L9.8*W9.8*H6.5 cm


傲骨淩雪  松柏長青
丹心近仙  仙鶴壽考
松鶴延年  福壽無疆

The Pine and Crane Evergreen
Your lofty character can stand the freezing snow    as pine and cypress -- evergreen
With loyalty as that of a fairy    you enjoy longevity as the heavenly crane
As pine and crane, longevity abounds     good fortune and longevity boundless


L10*W9*H8 cm


雍容富足  安閒自在 錦上添花  喜上加喜
知足常樂樂無窮 感恩惜福褔無盡

Adding good fortune to prosperity
With ease and prosperity   Leisure and self-complacency
Adding good fortune to prosperity   adding happiness and merriment
With self-complacency happiness is endless
To treasure the grace and good fortune, more good omens come


L10.7*W8*H9.5 cm


汗馬功績  氣勢驚人 鼎立之姿  無往不利
拜相封侯  名垂竹帛 前程似錦  富貴一生

Getting promoted to higher positions
Achieving brilliant attainments  with overwhelming spirits
With the situation of a tripod   you can always achieve your goal
To become a lord and high rank officer   with fame lasts forever
Your future is boundless   lifelong prosperity


L5.5*W7*H10 cm


花團錦簇 滿門馨香 迎面即是春風的福氣

Sincere Blessing
With flowers gathering in front, fragrance is elsewhere
Spring fortune approaches right in your face
it is the sincere blessing you enjoy


L12.3*W8*H7 cm


L9*W4*H20.5 cm



L9.7*W7.5*H7.5 cm



秉氣凝神 潛心策畫
坐擁良機 氣定神閒
時勢所趨 必成大器

Taking the Best Chance
Staying low, you plan with total concentration
Taking the best opportunity, you feel peace and tranquility
The trends will help you accomplish rapidly


L9.6*W7.5*H7.5 cm


白手開創  業立蔭成
待薪傳之時  舊物注入新思維
放手創新猷  將更光熾燦爛

Opening up the situations empty handed, you accomplish your own business
Time for heritage; you inject new things into old ones
You innovate with no restraint; the future will be more splendid


L9*W9*H5 cm


承先啟後  薪火相傳

有新局開創  有歷史承傳
新舊融合  風華更現

Life after Life
Continuing the tradition, you inherit the past
Inheriting from history, you create new conditions
Blending the old and the new, you have bondless grace


L9*W9*H5.5 cm


闔家安樂  如意順心
相互守護  永恆依靠
平平安安  即是大福

Peace resides in your family, you accomplish everything smoothly
Keeping company, you rely on each other forever
Peace is already good fortune


L8.5*W8.5*H14.7 cm


長久之關照  衷心拜謝
盛上一杯交心酒 無盡之意  皆隱其中

Celebrate Over a Glass of Wine
Thanks for your unlimited concern
With a glass of wine and a sincere heart
I dedicate all my gratitude to you hidden at the bottom of the wine glass


L23.5*W19*H3 cm


思維縝密  腳步慎重
朱印其上  決斷精確

Fortune Manifested
With meticulous thinking, you take every step with care
Every one of your promises is steadfast as iron
With determination, you sign the papers to demonstrate your accurate judgment


L8.3*W8.3*H4 cm

|逗 樂|

生活之趣  絲絲入扣 平實就是幸福 安好即為圓滿
從細微之處看見喜樂 簡單自在  逗樂生命

The fun of life is in the details
Simplicity is happiness
Stability is fulfillment
Finding joy in little things
Makes for a life of ease and freedom




L4.7*W1*H1 cm




坤水晶以對琉璃的熱愛為起點,堅持20年至品牌形象的穩固建立,藉著是對品質與在地的堅持。 2013年更開設了獨樹一幟的松菸文創園區玻璃工坊旗艦店, 成為台灣極具代表性的玻璃吹製體驗及各國觀光遊客首選。

Kun’s Crystal sets out from the passion towards lazurite, persisting in stabilized establishment of the brand image based on the persistence towards quality and locality. In 2013, the unique glass workshop flagship store in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was further set up, becoming the first choice for iconic glass-blowing experience and for tourists from all places.

《坤水晶》 琉璃創意設計|玻璃吹製體驗|訂製水晶獎盃|琉璃佛像|訂做琉璃 版權所有©2017年INSIGHT INC。保留所有權利。